Three Fun, Unique One-Shot Ideas to Bring to the Table This Weekend
Anthony Zeppetella

Anthony Zeppetella

Jun 13, 2023

Three Fun, Unique One-Shot Ideas to Bring to the Table This Weekend

The One-Shot in a D&D or TTRPG session is one of my absolute favorite things to participate in because the stakes are low, the players can be free to make the wildest decisions without any long term consequences and almost always – at least in my games- there are shenanigans aplenty.

However, sometimes it is hard to come up with ideas that could work for a one-shot and be small enough in scope to fit into a few hours.

But, have no fear! Your favorite online Dungeon Master with minimal time on his hands, but a stupid amount of dumb ideas that he finds funny, is here to save the day! I have compiled a brief listing of fun and cool ideas that are light hearted and unique to show to your players for a one-shot or even mold into your campaign.

NOTE: These are very condensed outlines for the overall story of the session, so you, as the potential DM, can expand upon or warp the idea to your liking and group.

IDEA #1: “The Great Cheese Heist” (3-4 players at level 5)

A group of mice sous chefs, who are employed under King Ched’ar, are tasked to save his beloved executive chef who has been preparing a prized wheel of enchanted cheese. The mice must travel to the Swiss Alps and locate the big bad thief, a Wizard cat, named Gouda. The adventure is filled with cheesy puns and challenges, such as navigating a maze of mousetraps and outsmarting Gouda's feline wiles. Will the mice succeed in their quest for the ultimate cheesy prize, or will they end up as the cat's next meal? Only the players can decide in this funnand whimsical one-shot.

IDEA #2: “Once Upon a One-Shot in the West” (5-7 players at level 15)

In this one-shot a group of high level adventurers travel to a secluded wild western town. Once in town they learn of a bounty hunter named “Grim”. Grim has recently been kidnapping, or “reaping”, several individuals from the town, including the mayor; all of whom are never seen again. The adventurers are tasked to travel into the sunset to find Grim and his posse. Is Grim acting alone for his own selfish purposes, or is his employed by a much larger and more menacing creature; Death, herself! In this one-shot, I developed a bar brawl sequence, as well as a large-scale climb up a mesa with the sunset portrayed against the horizon. This is a great adventure for players who want to deal lots of damage and engage in some high level combat!

IDEA #3: “Dale’s Fun Zone: A Ridiculous Date Night” (4 players at level 5)

This session, which is one of my favorite one-shots that I have ever made, was one that I ran for a group of friends with their significant others. The group is invited to Dale’s Fun Zone for their annual “Dale’s Date Night Extravaganza” for a group coupon deal (NO REFUNDS). While at the park they learn of all the cool activities they offer such as: Zip-lining, Laser tag, and a rock wall to climb. However, chaos strikes when Cletus and his band of delinquents break into the park to demand a refund from their trip the day before as the laser tag arena was too full of kids, causing them to never be able to experience the awesome experience that is Arcane Laser Tag!

This particular session gives the players the ability to experience a lot of unique mechanics from firearms, re-tooled into laser weapons, zip-lining across beautiful gorges to escape redneck Hobgoblins, or what’s more, an evening with their loved one in a world of fantasy and shenanigan filled fun!

All of these one-shots are ones that I have personally created and run at my own tables. I can attests to their fun nature, but I wanted to impart a bit of advice to all DMs, especially new ones, when it comes to one-shot. Do NOT over think it. These sessions are meant to be low stress, and meant for maximum enjoyment with no intention of future plans for the story. If it doesn’t fully make sense but you think it’s funny and it fits in the rules of the game – do it.

Let your players try random classes they have always wanted to try, races that aren’t play tested yet, and add as much flavor to everything as they want. Utilize these sessions to try new mechanics you think could be cool and see how they work in real time. As long as it doesn’t break the game, its fair game! Bring some drinks, food, and encourage your players to come up with the most off the wall shenanigans they can – just try to keep up when they do just that.

Anthony Zeppetella

Anthony Zeppetella

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